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February 15, 2016

Seeing Opportunities

One year at church camp, the theme t-shirt said, "Your Need is My Opportunity to Serve". That little phrase has been embedded in my brain ever since. The point was to think of others and their needs as a way for you to serve Christ. 

There are opportunities to serve even in small ways on a daily basis if you just keep your eyes open and pay attention to what others are saying. Many people are hurting and need encouragement or a hug or a listening ear. Many have financial struggles and have needs they can't currently afford. Many are sick or physically impaired at the moment and need help with maybe just daily tasks.  

Most of these people will not ask for help --- for different reasons, at least not until desperate. They try to cope on their own. Most, though, would not turn down a blessing that came their way to help them with what they are going through. So, I say that we should keep our eyes and ears open and fill a need if we can whether they ask for help or not. The Bible tells us to help those in need any time we are able---especially if it is another Christian. (Proverbs 3:27 & Galations 6:10) 

Don't wait for someone to ask---the greatest blessings are those that are received when you haven't asked yet someone realized you had a need and helped. 

Here are some things to help you get moving in that direction...
**Take a meal to someone who has been sick or go and clean their house or do their laundry.
**Babysit so they can have some "me" time. 
**Cut some one's grass
**Give them a coat when you know they don't have one.
**Help someone reach something on a shelf at the store.
**Send cards of encouragement to brighten a day.

These are just some ideas to get your thoughts stirred up. SEE the opportunities!

1 comment:

Tori Leslie said...

What a great reminder!! Thank you, I'm gonna keep my eyes open today.