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November 2, 2016

As Time Goes By

Well here it is November of 2016 already. What a quick year! It's funny how fast time goes by after high school. One day you are at graduation wondering what the future holds and the next you're half a century old looking back at all your life has held and wondering how many more years are in your future. All of us go through so many changes in life just living day to day. Some have grand adventures and experiences but most people spend their lives going to work. getting married, having children and raising them, and doing our best to live happy, healthy, productive existences. There is nothing wrong with's life. It's what makes up the fabric of our day to day. See, this is what makes up the dash between our birth and death. The everyday. Yes, there may be special and exciting days but mostly it's the daily routine that makes us who we are.

Lately, when I attend a funeral and look at the photos and videos of the deceased person's life, it reminds me that what someone was at the end of their life, isn't what they always were. Choices throughout have molded them into who they became. You find out that they were once young with dreams and ideas about their future. You find out what kind of person, husband or wife, father or mother they were. You can see how life has changed them physically. Their young skin and youthful hair color gives them a different look than when they are aged. 

As time goes by, live each day, even in the daily routine things, as though it is special....Because it is! It's what makes up who you are...the fabric of your life. Some day, people will gather to celebrate your life and mourn the loss of you and those pictures and videos and stories about you will be the story of YOU. None of us are who we once were ... hopefully, we are learning new things, growing intellectually, lovingly, and spiritually. 

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