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November 7, 2016

More Than Prayer

Last night Bob preached on America's Greatest Need----intercessory prayer. Very convicting. I agree that what this country needs is someone to stand in the gap and make up the hedge and call out to God on behalf of the welfare of the country. Secondly, what's needed is obedient Christians! God blesses obedience and He considers it more important than sacrifice. 

Now, as we were flipping to different places in our bibles last night and reading different examples of intercessory prayer, I noticed something. The different people praying to God, were not just praying; they were pleading and REASONING with God. They were explaining why God should grant their request. Moses did, David did, Jacob did, and plenty of others. Some were reminding God of His promises. Some were reminding God that to do what He intended would let other nations believe wrong things of Him or take away from Him being glorified. The point is, they didn't just ask in prayer for what they wanted...they reasoned with Him. They gave good points as to why He should grant the request. Some people say we should pray once and let it go and leave it to God. Well, the bible tells us to pray with persistence. (this means more than once) It also gives examples of pleading and reasoning with Him. All is given for our example, so maybe we should do more than pray.... maybe we should make our case before Him. Just something to think about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was actually an aspect that I considered putting into the message, but it got crowded out. Great point. Certainly more biblical grounds for what you said than for a lot of other things that I see passed off as sound doctrine.
