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August 27, 2017

Creating a Home Through AROMA

I want to say upfront that this is a lesson I tweaked and pulled together from two different sources. I no longer have the book or other source to give credit to the creators. I make every lesson my own even when I borrow but I still prefer to give credit when I can.

Aroma is a pleasant odor (apparently if it is not pleasant then it is a smell or just plain stinky!)

Eph. 5:1-2

As Christians we should model Christ in love & become a sweet smelling sacrifice. We need to bring this first to our homes.


Atmosphere is the light that glows from inside a home. As wives and mothers we should want that atmosphere to be so inviting that family members can't wait to get inside. If we intentionally create affection, respect, order, merriment, and affirmation; then our family will want to experience that atmosphere again and again.

We'll look at each of the aspects of AROMA one by one.

AFFECTION - giving/having tender or loving touches or compliments
Ex. Hugs, kisses, caresses, praise, "I love yous"
Prov. 14:1 - build up others
Prov. 31:26 - speak kindly and with wisdom
Rom. 12:10 - show affection to each other

Guidelines to accomplish:
1. Model affection on a consistent basis
2. Don't withhold affection as a reaction to a child's or spouse's behavior
3. Know the person well enough to know what type of affection they prefer (some people don't like their feet touched, or are uncomfortable with public compliments)

RESPECT - holding other people in honor so they may recognize their own worth
**Self-worth & attitude are built brick by brick on loving acts of respect in all circumstances

Luke 6:31 - golden rule
Eph. 4:32 - be kind and forgiving
Eph. 5:22 - wives submit to husband as though to the Lord
Eph. 5:33 - men love wives & wives reverence
Eph. 6:2 - honor parents
Ex. Do kind gestures that family members would enjoy

Guidelines to accomplish:
1. Be generous with honoring members in life's ups & downs (allow mistakes & let them grow & learn)
2. Allow others their own opinions & ideas - even if you disagree
3. Confront self criticism with positive in put - be a cheerleader
4. Avoid hateful or disrespectful speech
5. Say "I'm sorry" & "please forgive me" quickly - this shows humbleness

ORDER - the act of managing and modeling godly leadership in the home, resulting in a refuge of calm 
**Someone must be the anchor
**Others, especially children & spouse, have a hard time staying calm & peaceful in an atmosphere of chaos, turmoil & disarray

The purpose of order is to foster a sense of security within the boundaries & rules of the home by creating a habitual rhythm in daily routines & traditions
Prov. 16:32 - Keep in check & be slow to anger
Prov. 17:1 - Keep strife away
Prov. 29:15 - Train children & have rules
Prov. 31:27 - Keep up with the house & family

Guidelines to accomplish:
1. Make CLEAR rules that can be kept with consequences when broken
2. Set priorities for home and future goals
3. Keep home clean & free of messes
4. Create family traditions & habits - brings a sense of peace
5. Keep a calm spirit at all times (easier said than done!)

MERRIMENT - an atmosphere with uninhibited laughter & enthusiasm 
Laughter and crying are two emotions that draw people closer together when shared.
Laughter has been proven to help offset illness
Prov. 15:13 - Facial expressions often reveal emotions
Prov. 17:22 - Laughter is like medicine

When I was growing up I was surrounded by love and laughter by a large extended family. These are some of the most vivid and precious memories I have from childhood.

Fun, laughter, and enthusiasm create a joyful and happy home

Guidelines to accomplish:
1. Do fun things as a family
2. Learn to laugh at yourself
3. Laughter should always be WITH but not AT someone

AFFIRMATION - positive declaration or confirming a clearly held position through kind words and actions

*Affirmation is a combination of all the other parts of AROMA to help hold & confirm the positive atmosphere of the home
I Thess. 5:11 - Edify and comfort each other

Guidelines to accomplish:
1. Use positive reinforcement through praise & encouragement
2. Help family members pursue their dreams & potential
3. Show mercy & forgiveness when mistakes are made
4. Communicate & be there when they need to talk

1 comment:

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Greetings from the UK. I enjoyed reading. God bless you.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.