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March 28, 2018

Why Did Jesus Come?

I have had conversations with people in the past that try to convince me that Jesus came for this reason or that reason and often they are taking a Bible verse out of context or getting ideas expressed in the Bible mixed up. Some have told me that Jesus came to take care of the poor. Some have said that He came simply to spread love. Some have even said that He came just to do away with the law and the Old Testament. That one is funny to me because Jesus often quoted the OT. 

I'm going to show what the Bible says (and most of these are straight from the mouth of Jesus!) about why He came.
He came to...
1. FULFILL the law - Matthew 5:17
2. Minister & give His life as a ransom - Matt. 20:28
3. Preach the Kingdom of God - Luke 4:43
4. Cause division - Luke 12:51
5. Seek & save the Lost - Luke 19:10
6. Save the world - John 3:17
7. For judgement - John 9:39
8. Give abundant life - John 10:10
9. Bear witness of the truth - John 18:37
10. Save sinners - 1 Timothy 1:15

All these are reasons for why Jesus came to earth. It was not just for us to have a personal relationship with Him. The main reason He came was to reconcile us back to God! Adam and Eve had a perfect relationship with God in the garden of Eden until they disobeyed God's command. Because of that disobedience, punishment was set ... Eternal separation from God in the Lake of Fire. Adam & Eve sinned and because of that, all have a sin nature. Yet, God loved the world so much that He sent His son Jesus (and Jesus willingly went out of obedience & love!) to pay a sin debt that every person owes to God. 

Jesus came, suffered and died, was buried and rose again the third day. He died to pay that debt of sin we owe but he rose again to conquer death for us. His main purpose in coming was to reconcile us back to God! Without trusting in the work Jesus did, there is no salvation. There is only eternal separation from God in a fiery place of torment. The punishment was set for disobedience back when Satan rebelled against God and took a third of the angels with him. It tells us in Matthew 25:41 that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels. Disobedience (sin against God's Word) has a punishment. 

Reconcile means to restore to friendship or harmony.

These verses talk about Jesus coming to reconcile us back to God...
2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Colossians 1:19-20
Hebrews 2:17

Ultimately the reason to accept Jesus as your Savior is to get to have a relationship with God forever more, along with not suffering for an eternity in hell. 

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