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April 23, 2020

The Bicycle

As I sit here in the garage leaning on my kickstand, I wait for my owner to come and get me for a ride. I anticipate the joy I will feel as together we ride down the path through the woods. My wheels will be spinning as the air whips through my spokes and over my handlebars. I will enjoy the view as we pass by the lake, the flowers and trees, and the birds flying and squirrels scampering. Maybe my owner will stop and pick some of the flowers and put them in my basket. Perhaps I will get to hear my owner sing her favorite hymns as we ride back to the house. When we arrive at the garage and I again am resting on my kickstand, I will be happy to have been used for my intended purpose. May everyone find joy in their purpose!

This is quite a different post than I normally do but I just felt like being creative today. I watched a show this morning where a woman was taking a writing class and had an assignment to write a story from an inanimate object's point of view. I instantly thought about writing from the point of view of a bicycle. As I have said before, this blog is often a release and outlet for me as well as wanting to make others think. I challenge you to try writing a story. Write from an object's point of view or creatively tell a story about how an animal came to be. An example would be "how the skunk got his stripe" or "how the zebra got his stripes" or "how the leopard got his spots" or the frog or whatever. Just try. You'll be surprised at the creativity that will come out. 

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