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December 1, 2021

The Time Bomb of Menopause


I say time bomb because for me that's how it seems to have happened. The hormones which began ticking at age 15 have been tick-tocking away all these years until BOOM! Two weeks after turning 55, almost like a bomb going off, the hot flashes began. Don't get me wrong, other symptoms have come on more slowly and were more sporadic but it was like the hot flashes hit over night! As someone who has always been cold, these outbreaks of hot and sweats are a new experience. Finally! I am now having my husband complain of being cold as I am the one turning the furnace down! 

The beginning of "Senior" life is indeed a new ball game. I say "senior" because at restaurants you often get a Senior Discount once you reach 55. 

From what I hear hot flashes are only one symptom of this time bomb. There may also be mood swings, hair loss, and hair growth in new places such as the upper lip, painful intercourse, joint pain and memory issues and yes, weight gain, especially in the waist area. Any or all of these can seemingly hit over night. This is our reward for living to this point?! This is the trade off for the gained experience, knowledge and wisdom?! I'm not sure I like it one bit! I think this little scenario may have to be one of my "God Questions" when I get to heaven...."Why did you do that?" lol

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