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January 14, 2015

When Silence Isn't Golden

Silence is golden is the old saying. It means that it is good to keep your mouth shut when tempted to speak at a time when you could cause more harm than good. Very important to remember oftentimes. I actually have prayed for God to keep His hand over my mouth to stop me from being dumb or harmful. In ministry life it is especially important to practice silence. 

I was reading in a magazine that gives information about Israel and Jewish life and customs. As it gave details of the persecution of Israel and of Christians around the world, especially in Muslim countries, it dawned on me that Silence is Not Always Golden. So many times travesties take place in our world and continue to go on because no one speaks up and does anything about it. 

Persecutions take place in many forms and no one stands by or listens when complaints are made by the victims. If it doesn't pertain to you or one of your loved ones, it is no concern of yours. It goes back to a blog post I once made about things being relative. Something is only relative if it pertains to you, your loved one or your cause. Listen to this quote by German Protestant Pastor Martin Niemoller, who spoke out against Adolf Hitler and earned seven years in a Nazi concentration camp....
First they came for the Socialist, 
And I did not speak out-
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists,
And I did not speak out-
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
And I did not speak out -
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me-
And there was no one left to speak for me.

That is a very telling and truthful quote. Silence when travesties are committed is as harmful as the travesty itself. What is left to defeat evil and wickedness when the good guys do nothing?! Sometimes, noise must be made! You know the other old saying is "The squeaky wheel gets the oil". 

When you suspect a child is being abused in some form and you remain silent; you are in a sense helping the abuse to continue. By the way, doctors, nurses, daycare workers and church workers are required to report such things to authorities. 

When you see mishandling of funds in a business, church, organization/club or government entity, it should be reported. Your silence helps misuse to continue. 

Too often people are silent when governments, wicked people or authorities are committing things they shouldn't. I know personally, of pastors who have left a trail of destruction because people were silent about the sins they committed in a church. This was done so as to not harm the cause of Christ in a public arena. That is not Biblical! Had they spoken up, a long trail of destruction to other churches later could have been avoided. 

Just some things to think about. Maybe the next time you are considering staying silent and keeping to yourself and not getting involved in a situation; you will think of this post and reconsider.- Or at least weigh heavily the different options you have. 


1 comment:

Tori Leslie said...

Great post Tammy!
I heard that quote by the German pastor years ago and realized that is exactly what we've allowed to happen, and look at us now.
Too often things have been covered up. Good for us to ask for God to give us wisdom to know when to speak and when it's not expedient.
Great reminder!