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January 9, 2015

Who is a Christian?

This post is going to lay it on the line and hopefully get folks thinking. So many seem to think that a Christian is anyone who talks about Jesus or church or the Bible or has a belief in God. This is not so. A true Christian is one who has been born again into the family of God by putting their trust in the work that Jesus did on the cross. They get saved. This happens ONLY by realizing your need to be saved or in other words realizing you are a sinner that is separated from God. Separated from fellowship with him and from being allowed into heaven with him because of the sin in your life. God's standards are high...he demands perfection. The Bible says that if you have ever sinned even the smallest of sins even one time in your life, then you are found guilty of breaking God's law. This means you need to be saved. Saved from going to hell and with that saving comes the ability to enter heaven when you die. This is the ONLY way to become a Christian. Being a pretty good person and mentioning God, the Bible or going to church doesn't make a Christian. 

All of this has been said and explained for this reason. While I believe the above to be true, I don't think that all Christians are the same. Yes anyone who has done what I explained above and gotten saved gets to go to heaven, but not all of us believe the same doctrines. Not all believe in the same Bible versions, in eternal security (once saved always saved), or in repentance. Therefore, I think people and especially churches MUST be careful about mixing in with others who have different views on doctrines. I strongly disapprove of interdenominational meetings. Much confusion happens when this does take place. ..especially with someone who is not grounded in their beliefs. I have seen it happen. I've known of churches that start attending mixed denominational meetings and then had members start questioning why their church believes and takes a stand on certain issues or things. When you show them from the Bible why you believe what you do (and your faith should have biblical backing) they just choose to ignore and go based on "those good people" they have watched and been around. 

I have nothing personally against someone who believes different than me, but I don't think that I should compromise my beliefs to fit in with them or even spend lots of time with them and allow them to speak their beliefs over and over to me. Doubt and confusion will set in if done often enough. Eve knew the truth and what God truly said when in the garden, yet Satan made her doubt and used her desires against her. Even in the world people have convinced multitudes to believe things through repetition. (I will refrain from giving examples cuz I could easily go off on a tangent or chase a squirrel). It is dangerous to mix in multi denominational meetings. Often there are speakers at these meetings who don't even have a good testimony of salvation. Often they will make a statement that on the surface may sound spiritual but isn't biblical. Often statements are made that purposely try to convince listeners to change their beliefs. God says that wolves in sheep's clothing will decieve even the very elect and do Satan's bidding.

The pastor of a church will someday stand before God for how he lead and protected  the  sheep of his congregation as the under-shepherd. He has sometimes difficult decisions to make that not all will understand or like. But he will stand and give an account. No one else!

1 comment:

Tori Leslie said...

Amen amen and amen!!! It's not always easy to stay right but it's needful and I completely agree with you. It can be a lonely place sometimes though, especially on the mission field when all the missionaries around have completely different practices. Regardless, right is right and the Lord is worth any sacrifice we feel we're making.