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June 2, 2017

Affecting Our World

As Christians we are to affect our world. We are to spread the Gospel to others. We are to share the love of Christ. We are to be a witness for the Lord wherever and whenever we have opportunity. We can do this by using our mouth to talk to people and we can give money to missionaries around the world to reach those we've never seen in other countries. There is no question about the command when we read our Bible. 

However, I'd like to look at this from a different perspective. Is not, "our world" those we see most? "Our world" consists of our spouse, our children, extended family members, friends and coworkers. Shouldn't we share the Gospel, love and compassion of Jesus to these first and foremost? We will often speak up or give a tract to a stranger at the store but never do so to our own kids or lost spouse or parents or friends or especially coworkers. We often show more mercy and love towards the stranger than to extend it to our own family. We stay angry at our spouse or children when they make a mistake yet we are quicker to forgive a stranger or acquaintance. It's the same example that preacher's use will hold open a door for other women before their own wife or daughter. --Not right! Men should hold doors for ALL females, first and foremost their own family members! (just a pet peeve of mine)

Especially with our children we should be showing them and teaching them by our example the love of Jesus and His saving grace. At every opportunity and teachable moment in their daily lives, they should be hearing about the Lord and all He can do and is doing in ours and their lives. Believe me, their are those teachable moments every single day if we will just look for and seize them. This is one of the best ways to affect your world and theirs! 

Just a thought provoker. Are you affecting YOUR world? Don't look to the world at large and neglect your own.

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