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October 24, 2017

Being a Prepper!

Not too long ago Bob preached about being prepared as a Christian. I immediately decided I wanted to blog about that topic. 

He was right about being prepared as a Christian. We are to be prepared to witness to others and tell them about the Saving Grace of Jesus, to be a help to others in their time of need, to encourage others and to show love and forgiveness to those around us. All these are good works that we are to let shine forth that will glorify our heavenly Father. 

In daily life we should also be prepared. The term "Prepper" carries a certain meaning in the world today. Often times those labeled with this title are mocked and made fun of because many think they are paranoid and over reacting to the likelihood of chaos and future impending doom. Many so called "Preppers" stock pile food, ammunition, water, gasoline, firewood, candles, etc in the event of a natural catastrophe or a government take over or a take over of the USA by another country or enemy such as ISIS. As to those who poo poo this idea...have you watched the news over the past couple of years?!! 

I do not necessarily consider myself a prepper but I now have a "bug out bag" with nonperishable food items, matches, water, rope, etc. just because there's no sense in being naive! I'm a country girl who spent many years camping (not in an RV with electric or running water!) so I know how to survive without those. As far as a government takeover right now, it is probably not as likely as it would have been if someone with a socialistic agenda had taken over the White House last year. Still, being prepared is your best defense in any situation! 
My husband, Bob, is a pretty avid gardener and bee keeper. (All I do is help extract and make syrup for the bees to eat when nectar sources get low) I do help with the gardening quite a bit. We love to can food for the future and I like having the fresh garden food all winter long. 
I think every wise person is at least a light prepper. The Bible says that we are to be wise like the ant who gathers their food in summer to live on all winter. 

Point is be a Prepper! In life and as a Christian!

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