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January 10, 2018

What Aging Brings

As I've been researching and learning about Hashimotos autoimmune disorder of the thyroid, I have been contemplating life and what we humans go through. Most everyone just sails through life living each day as it comes and not giving any real thought to the future as far as their health goes. Many set career goals even in high school. Many set marital or family goals, home buying goals, vacation goals, and retirement goals. However, most do not plan for a healthy future. I have long said that we eat, drink and breathe cancer and other illnesses but  over the past year I have realized we are exposed to toxins and other harmful agents through just everyday environment, including those in the medical industry. The medicines whether over the counter or prescription are full of things that may help aiding in the medical condition but then the body must also recover a second time from the chemicals it is exposed to with the drugs. 

I spent my life NOT smoking or doing drugs nor have I drank any alcohol for more than 20 years, yet in my daily choices for years and years I have been exposed to things that cause harm to my body. Daily choices of foods to eat or drink, immunizations, makeup, perfumes, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, lotions, cleaners, laundry soaps, light bulbs, microwaves, dental fillings, aluminum foil, plastic storage containers and cashier receipts just to name several. While the harmful agents are not necessarily harmful enough to cause instant problems, over time they are the cause of all future health problems. These things mentioned add heavy metals to your body, and expose it to toxins that if investigated for each ingredient you'd find poisons, carcinogens, and other toxins that eat away at the body system, especially the intestines which is what helps regulate all the rest of the body. If your bowels, liver and kidneys get so gunked up that they cannot properly help you eliminate waste from the body, it then builds up in the blood stream and causes major issues. Elimination of urine and feces is key to being healthy along with taking in of cleaner foods. Going to the bathroom is the way the body gets rid of the junk it has taken in so that it doesn't build up and cause problems in the body. That's why it's important! 

I reckon that in this advanced world where industry and technology have forged their way into rapid existence, there was no way to stop the onset of all the harmful things people are now exposed to in their daily lives. After all, people like easier, they like convenient, they like less work. That's how instant everything, prepackaged everything, more and more chemicals and machines have come to be. This is why we are exposed to BPA, GMOs, formaldehyde, agent orange style poisons, metals and allergens, ...because it makes things easier. It makes more money for businesses by creating shortcuts to the end result. 

There is a younger generation now that seems to be embracing a cleaner and healthier lifestyle. However, it is hard to stop the exposure to what's out there just walking around in life. BPA is in nearly everything you touch...from plastics to all receipts. 

Now to my title after all that long few paragraphs. Aging brings illnesses, body aches and pains, reduced memory, slower reflexes, slower thinking, etc. but also wisdom and knowledge, hopefully. Some of it isn't our fault that we were exposed to these harmful toxins and carcinogens because we were never told they existed. It's only been heavily exposed through media sources over recent years. It's kind of like how in the 50s and 60s smoking was encouraged. It was advertised as a way to relax after a meal. Funny how a stimulant is relaxing! I've read through old magazines and seen the ads though. Now we know more about the toxicity of smoking. 

Aging brings fighting off the illnesses and fighting to get healthier by making better choices. It can be overwhelming! However, we must keep in mind that we did not get ill over night and we will not get well over night. It takes time and we need to do it one step at a time even if it is a baby step. I believe my next step since removing gluten and killing off the Candida is to begin removing heavy metals from my body. I will have to go slow as I know already there is quite a die off symptom phase for this. I will do this with natural things such as essential oils, foods and supplements and maybe in the future chelation.  

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