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February 4, 2018

Have You Been Touched?

I was driving home from my daughters in Missouri on Friday back to Oklahoma. I was listening to a CD that was recorded by Daniel Waters. I hadn't listened to it for a couple years but I always enjoy singing along with it when I listen. One song with one phrase in particular struck me. It was a song about the healing of Blind Bartimaeus. The song is sung from Barimaeus' perspective as he begs Jesus for healing of his sight. After the healing comes he says..."One touch, He made my eyes to see. Gave new life to me. And I must tell somebody, tell somebody, tell somebody!" 

What an awesome statement! If you have really been touched by Jesus, your sight (spiritually speaking) would be healed. You would begin to see the world from God's perspective. You would begin to understand Scripture and long to read and learn more. You are no longer blinded by Satan! 

Not only is your blindness gone but you have a new life. You begin to live differently than before that touch. New priorities are put in place. Not only on this earth do you have new life, but you have a new life in the future in heaven. Whereas once you were drowning in sin and on your way to hell at your last breath (for ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God) now, you have a home in heaven prepared by Jesus himself as you draw your last breath. How exciting that is! 

If you were truly touched by Jesus and had your blindness removed and a new life given, you would absolutely be telling others about it. If you got a new dress, coat, purse, car or house, you'd for sure go and tell everyone you knew about it. So, why do so many not tell others when they have been touched by Jesus? Why would they not tell others how to be touched? There's one of two reasons why...they were never truly touched or they are ashamed of the gospel and we are not to be ashamed! 

Just something to think about. Have you been touched? Tell somebody if you have been touched! 

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