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May 14, 2018

Learning From the Apostles

I know everyone must be shocked that I'm posting again the next day but I had an idea to blog about. I recently was reading at the beginning of the book of Acts and a thought struck me. After Jesus gave some instruction to the disciples, they got to watch him ascend up into a cloud. As I finished the first chapter, I wondered what the apostles did from the moment of Jesus' ascension to the moment of Pentecost. This would be approximately 10 days or so. I did some research and continued reading for a couple more chapters. I think we can learn a few things from how the disciples handled Jesus leaving them. 

The first thing they did was go back to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives to the upper room and gather together in prayer and support for one another. The Bible says there were about 120 men and women which included Mary, the mother of Jesus and his brothers. Jesus had told them to wait on the promise of the Father, which was the power of the Holy Ghost (comforter). They were being obedient. 

We can learn from the disciples to be obedient to the Lord and to spend much time in prayer and fellowship as we are waiting for God to show us the next move to take. 
Another conclusion we can see is that the disciples were searching and reading over the scriptures to know what to do. We know this because Peter stood up in the midst of them all and quoted from the book of Psalms. They used these verses of scripture to decide to cast lots and replace Judas Iscariot for the ministry. 
We, too, should continually study, read and search Scripture to know how to live our daily lives. The New Testament tells us that the things were written in the Old Testament as examples for us. Christians today can look at OT and NT scripture for examples. There's instruction for us. It truly is the owner's manual of life! 

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